Monday, June 21, 2010

A fun Father's Day at the cabin

Jason managed to get a Saturday night off, so we spent the night and the cabin and hung out for Father's day. Here are a few of my favorites photos from the day. There will be many more to come on facebook once I get through them all - I'm a little snap-happy!

Also, don't forget to check out to see how we're raising money for the Pediatric Brain Tumor Research Fund. I'll be making special Team Summer t-shirts for everyone who walks with us.

1 comment:

  1. Summer is absolutely beautiful, so precious and perfect. I wish I could be there to walk with you on October 3rd. You know the situation so I won't be able to "walk" but we will praying for you and walking with your family thru this thing we call "life". Love you Jessica, Jason and Summer.

    The Wagners.:)
